
I'm Lisa Lombardi. Not related to Vince. ;) I'm a UX Designer who loves Information Architecture, hence the Object-Oriented UX enthusiasm. I also enjoy all aspects of UX/UI design, and love building systems in Notion.

Although I didn't know what I wanted to be when I grew up, I'm glad it turned out to be a UX Designer. It combines all of the things I love - design, psychology, complexity, simplicity, and always learning.

I get to design products and see them play in the world. Let's connect and build something. 🚀


OOUX'ing Your Project Management with Notion
An Object-Oriented UX Happy Hour MeetUp where I explore how OOUX and Notion relate and how diving into one will help you build mastery of the other. Diving into Notion is a way to apply OOUX in the wild and practice creating and manipulating systems. Click here to view the presentation resources, which are housed in Notion - of course.  


OOUX Cohort 4 Mentor
I mentored four students through the Object-Oriented UX certification program and provided general support to all students.


I co-facilitated workshops with HubSpot, teaching them how to implement Object-Oriented UX.